Try these easy recipes for milky white skin and glowing effect and get a milky complexion! (Try Easy Recipes For Milky White Skin And Glowing Effect)

If you are troubled by tired and dull skin, then just try these easy recipes that will give you milky white and glowing skin

Mix coconut water and pineapple juice and apply it on the face. This improves the complexion of the skin.

Dry the orange peels in the sun and grind them. Mix it in milk. Apply this paste on the face and neck for 25 minutes. It works as a natural bleach and makes the complexion fair.

Soak gram lentils in water overnight. Grind the gram the next morning and add a pinch of turmeric and a few drops of lemon juice to it. Apply it on the face and leave it for half or one hour. It will refresh the dull, tired and dark skin.

To improve complexion, add a pinch of turmeric to cream and apply it. Wash it after 20 minutes.

If there are many spots on the face, then to remove them, prepare a paste by adding 1 tablespoon of milk cream in 1 teaspoon of yellow mustard oil. Apply it on the face for 20 minutes. Then wash it.

Mix half teaspoon honey, oats and 2 teaspoons buttermilk and apply on face. Wash after 10 minutes.

Also read: 25+ Tips: If you are troubled by dull and oily skin, then now it is very easy to get a fresh look, try these easy recipes! (25+ Easy Recipes For Dull-Oily Skin)

Mix gram flour in curd and apply it on your face daily.

Apply orange juice on face and neck. Wash after 10 minutes.

Mix curd and orange juice and apply it on the face and wash the face after 15 minutes. Do this regularly for a month.

Fry one teaspoon of lentils in 1 teaspoon olive oil until it turns red. Now grind it and mix it with milk to make a paste. Apply it on the face and keep it till it dries. After this, rub and wash the face.

Mixing curd with 2 teaspoons tomato juice and applying it brings glow on the face.

Applying a mixture of 1 teaspoon gram flour, a pinch of turmeric powder and milk enhances the complexion.

Make a paste by mixing 1 tablespoon honey, 1 egg white, 1 teaspoon glycerin and flour. Apply it for 10 minutes.

Make a mask by mixing pumpkin slices thoroughly with egg yolk and milk. Let it set on the skin for 30 minutes, then wash the face.

Mix 1 teaspoon Multani mitti, juice of 1 lemon and grated tomato and apply it on the face.

Make a paste by mixing fenugreek powder and milk and apply it on the face. After drying, wash it with warm water.

Take honey and lemon juice in equal amounts, mix them and apply on the face for 15 minutes. If you do this remedy daily for a month, you will get milky white skin.

Take cucumber juice and lemon juice in the same quantity. Mix them and apply on the face for 15 minutes. Use this also for 1 month.

After 1 month, use these recipes 1 or 2 times a week.

Mix lemon juice and honey in 1 teaspoon walnut powder. Scrub the whole body with this. Wash with cold water after 20 minutes.

Applying a mixture of egg white and honey on the face also improves the skin.

Make a paste by mixing half a teaspoon of orange juice with 1 teaspoon of curd. Apply it on the face for 10 minutes, then wash it off.

  • Honey Sharma

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