If you are troubled by dull and oily skin, then now it is very easy to get a fresh look, try these easy recipes! (25+ Easy Recipes For Dull-Oily Skin)

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If you are troubled by dull and oily skin and want glowing, fresh skin, then try these easy home remedies and recipes.

  • Wash your face two to three times a day with mild soap or face wash. But be careful not to overdo it or else your skin can become dry.
  • The quality of honey is that it keeps the skin's natural moisture intact and removes extra oil, giving the skin a fresh look. Apply a thin layer of honey on the skin for ten minutes and then wash the face.
  • Use blotting paper. If your skin is very oily then always keep blotting paper with you. This will remove extra shine, greasy look and stickiness.
  • Apply cucumber juice. If you want, fill it in a spray bottle and keep it in the fridge.
  • Always keep blotting paper with you; whenever extra oil comes out, tap it off.
  • Multani mitti mask and clay mask are also excellent for oily skin.
  • Gram flour and turmeric pack is also very good. Mix a pinch of turmeric in a tablespoon of gram flour and add some water to make a paste. For better results, mix lemon juice as well. Wash after ten-fifteen minutes or when it dries.
  • Mix the juice of one lemon with the white of an egg and apply it. After drying, wash it with lukewarm water.
  • Mix honey with egg white and apply this mask. Wash it after drying.
  • Orange peel pack is also effective for oily skin. If you want, dry the orange peels in the shade and make its powder. Store it in a bottle. Mix milk or water in the powder and apply it on the face. Wash it after some time.
  • Grind 3-4 almonds and make a fine paste. Add three teaspoons of honey to it and apply it on the face while massaging. Wash it with lukewarm water after some time.
  • Apply egg white. Wash off after drying.
  • Apply aloe vera pulp. Apart from giving a fresh look to the skin, it is also effective in many problems like acne, blemishes, pimples, etc. Aloe vera has anti-aging and healing properties.
  • Apply curd, it is very beneficial in removing extra oil.
  • Make a pack by mixing honey in oatmeal, this also controls oil.
  • Mix honey and turmeric powder in lemon juice. Apply this paste.
  • Cut tomatoes and rub them. Wash them after they dry. Tomato contains salicylic acid which helps in absorbing oil in the skin and it also opens the clogged pores.
  • Often people with oily skin think that they do not need a moisturizer, but for an even tone and to maintain the natural moisture of the skin, they must use a moisturizer. But yes, you should use an oil-free moisturizer.
  • Rubbing ice also reduces the problem.
  • Eat less oily and junk food.
  • Do not use very heavy, cream or oil based skin and makeup products.
  • Be sure to apply sunscreen.
  • Use alcohol based skin toner and astringent.
  • Drink water in balanced quantities.
  • Clean your skin after coming from outside.
  • Follow a skin care routine. Cleansing, toning and moisturizing.
  • Also do scrubbing so that the dead skin cells are removed, but do not over do it otherwise the problem will increase further.
  • Honey Sharma

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