Try these 5 homemade hair masks to get soft and shiny hair

Apply this homemade hair mask to your hair to make your hair soft and shiny in winter. If you do not have much time for hair care, you can apply homemade hair mask to your hair while doing other household chores. By applying homemade hair mask, you can make your hair soft and shiny in minutes in winter.

Winter Hair Care

1) Henna-Amla Hair Mask
If the shine of your hair has faded, then try this homemade hair mask to increase the shine of your hair – Mix henna powder, amla powder and lemon juice. Leave this pack on the hair for 45 minutes. Then wash the hair. Applying this homemade hair mask will instantly bring new shine to your hair.

2) Egg Hair Mask
To increase the shine of hair instantly, make a hair mask by mixing coconut oil with egg and apply it on the hair. After this, soak the towel in lukewarm water and cover the hair. Wash the hair with mild shampoo after 20 minutes.

3) Avocado Hair Mask
To repair damaged hair, mash avocado with egg and apply it on wet hair. Wash after 20 minutes. Avocado is rich in minerals, vitamins and essential fatty acids. It repairs damaged hair and makes them healthy.

Also read: Get rid of white hair: Try these 10 home remedies (10 Easy Ways To Get Rid Of White Hair Naturally At Home)

4) Protein Hair Mask
To give protein treatment to your hair, apply this protein mask to your hair. For this, take 1 tablespoon castor oil, 1 tablespoon glycerin, 1 teaspoon cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon protein, 1 tablespoon mild herbal shampoo. Mix everything and massage the scalp. Wash after 20 minutes. Your hair will get a new shine.

5) Hair mask for dry hair
To make dry hair soft and shiny, blend 2 eggs, 2 mashed bananas, 2 teaspoons each of amla, reetha and shikakai powder, 2 tablespoons fenugreek powder, 1 pinch of black pepper powder in a mixer and apply it thoroughly from the scalp to the ends of the hair. Leave this hair mask on the hair for 45 minutes, then shampoo. This hair pack nourishes the hair and makes it soft. If your hair is dry, then this homemade hair pack is very beneficial for you.

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