If you apply these 5 homemade face scrubs, you will not need to get a facial (5 Best DIY Natural Face Scrubs For Glowing Skin)

If you are very busy and you do not have time to go to the parlor and get a facial, then apply these 5 homemade natural scrubs, after applying them you will not need to get a facial. These 5 face scrubs will be prepared from the things present in your kitchen and you can make them yourself at home.

Natural Face Scrubs

1) Make this homemade face scrub with mustard and curd
Mustard is beneficial in every way. Apart from enhancing the taste of food, mustard oil is also very useful for massage etc. To make mustard scrub, prepare a paste by mixing curd, honey and flour in mustard seeds. Now scrub gently with it.

2) Make this homemade face scrub with sesame and turmeric
You can prepare a great scrub with nutritious sesame seeds and antiseptic properties of turmeric. To make a scrub, mix half a teaspoon of turmeric and some sesame seeds in a teaspoon of sesame oil. Rub the body gently with this mixture. Doing this once a week will improve your skin.

3) Make this homemade face scrub with coffee and coconut oil
A cup of coffee in the morning not only refreshes, but its seeds also enhance beauty. Grind the coffee seeds. Mix sugar and coconut oil in it and prepare a mixture. Now scrub your face as well as body with this.

Also read: 5 oils enhance beauty in minutes, know which oil is best for you (5 Best Natural Oils For Every Skin Type)

Scrubs For Glowing SkinScrubs For Glowing Skin

4) Make this homemade face scrub with poppy seeds and salt
A good scrub can be prepared from white or black poppy seeds. Make a paste by mixing salt or sugar in the seeds. Whenever you want to scrub your body, use this paste.

5) Make this homemade face scrub with flaxseed and honey
Flax seed is also very good for the skin. Mix half a cup of flax seed with three teaspoons of honey and a little water and milk to make a scrub. Now massage your face and body with it. Believe me, you will feel a new glow in yourself.

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