10 Natural Face Packs From Your Kitchen Shelf For A Natural Glow)

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If you are looking for the best homemade face pack for winters, then you do not need to go anywhere for this, there are so many beauty secrets present in your kitchen itself. Apply these 10 homemade face packs in winters, which will enhance your beauty in minutes.

Winter Skin Care TipsWinter Skin Care Tips

1) Mash a few grapes and mix them with 1 tablespoon flour. Apply this mixture on your face for 15 minutes. Then wash your face with lukewarm water. Doing this makes your skin soft and prevents wrinkles.
2) Mix 1 tablespoon each of milk powder, honey, lemon juice and almond oil in sandalwood powder. Apply it on the face and let it dry for 10-15 minutes, then wash it off. The face will start glowing.
3) Dry the orange peel in the sun and make a fine powder. Then mix one teaspoon of milk, a little turmeric and lemon juice in this powder and make a paste. Applying this paste improves the complexion of the face.
4) Mix honey, curd and milk and apply it on the face. Wash after 20 minutes, the skin will look healthy and young.
5) Mix a pinch of turmeric powder and a few drops of olive oil in cream and apply it on the face, this brightens the skin and removes dryness.

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Winter Skin Care TipsWinter Skin Care Tips

6) Mix 1 cup buttermilk, pulp of half avocado, 2 tablespoons honey and a little olive oil and apply on the face. It moisturizes the skin very well.
7) Mix half a teaspoon of honey in 1 teaspoon of rice flour and apply it on the face. Wash the face after half an hour. This removes dryness of the skin and also prevents wrinkles.
8) Soak almonds in hot water and peel them. When it dries, make a powder of it and keep it aside. Mix a little milk in almond powder and apply it on your face daily. Dry skin and blemishes will go away.
9) Soak 100 grams of wheat bran in a cup of water overnight. Apply it on the face and massage it thoroughly in the morning. This helps in getting rid of dead skin and improves the complexion of the skin.
10) Prepare a paste by mixing corn, jowar flour and cream in equal quantities. Apply it on the face and wash it after it dries. Apart from removing dead cells, it also tones and moisturizes the face. This paste also tightens the skin.

Also read: Apply these homemade hair packs to make dry hair soft (Best Homemade Natural Hair Packs For Dry Hair)

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