10 home remedies to get rid of acne, pimples, dark spots on the face (10 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Acne, Pimples, Dark Spots)

If you have spots on your face, then these 10 home remedies will be very useful for you. These 10 home remedies remove spots on the face and make the skin healthy and beautiful.

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Acne

1) One day rub stale buttermilk on your face before bathing in the morning and take a bath after 10 minutes. This removes the spots and blemishes from the face and the skin glows.

2) Soak the lentils in enough water so that they soak and absorb the water well. Then grind the lentils and mix it with milk or curd and apply it on the face twice a day in the morning and evening. After some time, wash the face with lukewarm water. By doing this regularly, the spots on the face will disappear and the skin will look beautiful.

3) Mixing honey with salt and vinegar and applying it on the face removes freckles. Do this regularly.

4) Grind nigella seeds in vinegar and apply it on the face at night and wash it in the morning. This removes acne and makes the face beautiful.

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of AcneHome Remedies To Get Rid Of Acne

5) Before going to bed at night, massage your face with curd cream. Wash it after fifteen minutes and go to sleep. This removes dryness, blemishes and spots from the skin.

6) Rubbing lemon on the face helps in removing blemishes and spots and brings glow and radiance to the face.

7) Grind 30-40 grams of celery finely and mix it with 25-30 grams of curd and apply it on pimples at night. Wash your face with lukewarm water in the morning. By doing this, pimples get cleared and the face becomes brighter. This home remedy also removes the dark spots that appear under the eyes.

8) Grind lentils with lemon juice and apply it on the face. It helps in removing blemishes and makes the skin glow.

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Home Remedies To Get Rid Of AcneHome Remedies To Get Rid Of Acne

9) Take about 100 grams of wheat bran and soak it in a cup in the evening. In the morning, mash it and massage it lightly on the face. You will get rid of acne and blemishes on the face.

10) If you consume one cup of radish juice daily for a week, all the spots on your face will disappear automatically.

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