36 Summer Skin Care And Hair Care Guide

The direction of the winds has changed, the warm winds have knocked. So why not take special care of your beauty with the changing weather. Adopt a summer skin care routine. How? Try the tips given in this summer care guide.

Summer skin care

Summer Skin Care

– Take bath twice a day. This will keep your skin away from sweat and dirt, which is most important for the beauty of the skin.

– Try this nourishing bath for soft and silky skin – Mix 2 teaspoons salt, 1 teaspoon almond oil and half teaspoon malt vinegar and apply it on the skin before bath.

– To protect the skin from harmful rays of the sun, use sunscreen with SPF 15 to 30.

– Drink 8-10 glasses of water throughout the day. This will not dehydrate your skin and will nourish the skin from within.

– If your skin is burnt by the strong rays of the sun, then apply aloe vera gel or lotion containing aloe vera. This cools the skin and sunburn heals quickly.

– Splash cold water on your face several times a day. This will get rid of stickiness on the face and the skin will breathe better.
Will be able to take it.

– To give a beautiful glow to the eyes and to protect them from irritation, place a cucumber pack or a cotton ball soaked in rose water on the eyes for 10-15 minutes.

– To make dry skin soft and smooth, use natural fruits like citrus fruits, peaches, walnuts and nuts.

– If your skin is very dry, you can also apply olive oil and glycerin.

– Apply a face pack made of rose water, glycerin and olive oil on the face, it is very effective.

– If your skin is normal or combination type, then prepare a paste by adding half a tablespoon of Multani soil, half a teaspoon of sandalwood powder, 2 tablespoons of rose water, a little milk and a pinch of saffron and keep it in the fridge to cool. Apply it on the face for 15-20 minutes. Wash the face later.

– If your skin is dry, then do not add Multani mitti in the pack mentioned above.

– For oily skin, prepare a pack by mixing orange or cucumber pulp with one tablespoon of Multani mitti. Leave it on the face for 15-20 minutes and then wash it with cold water.

– Take a milk bath once a week. Take lukewarm water in the bath tub and add one cup of milk, two teaspoons of almond oil and half a teaspoon of orange essence to it. Soak your body in it for 15 minutes.
Keep it immersed.

– Grind pear, apple, orange, strawberry and grapes together and make a paste. First apply a layer of honey on the face, then apply this paste. Wash it after 20 minutes. The face will get a beautiful and natural glow.

– Mix orange peel powder with curd and apply on face.
Apply on blemishes. Wash with cold water after 15 minutes.

Summer cool face pack

Summer Skin CareSummer Skin Care

Skin Glow Tonic
Ingredients: 1/4 cup watermelon juice, 1/4 cup orange juice, 1/4 cup carrot juice, 2 drops lemon juice, 1 tsp honey.
Method: Mix all the ingredients and fill them in a bottle and keep it in the fridge. Apply it all over the face and neck. When it dries, apply a second and then a third coat. Wash your face with lukewarm water, then splash cold water. This will provide the skin with essential vitamins, which will make the skin glow immediately and you will also feel fresh.

Sunburn Pack
Ingredients: 2 tsp thick curd, 4 tsp watermelon juice, 6 tsp soaked almond paste.
Method: Mix all the ingredients and apply this face mask on the face and neck immediately after returning from the sun. This improves the complexion of the skin and also removes suntan.
– Take out fresh aloe vera gel and apply it on the sunburned area. Wash your face after some time.
– Apply rose water or cucumber juice on the face. This also provides relief to sunburnt skin and tones the skin. Before use, keep it in the fridge and let it cool.

Refreshing eye pack
Ingredients: Some watermelon pulp, 2 tsp cucumber juice.
Method: In summer, eyes become red and start burning. For this, apply watermelon pulp on the eyes daily or keep watermelon slices on the eyes for five minutes. Or you can also apply cucumber juice. This will cool the eyes.

Skin Summer Cooler
Ingredients: Half cup oatmeal, 1/4 cup watermelon pulp, 1/4 cup grated cucumber.
Method: Mix all the ingredients and apply a thick layer on the face. Wash the face after 10 minutes. This will make the skin look fresh. Apart from this, this cooler is also beneficial for those who get pimples or rashes on the face due to heat.

For sunburn
– Mix curd, watermelon juice and almond paste and apply it on the face.
– Apply fresh aloe vera gel on sunburnt area.
– Apply rose water or cucumber juice on the face.
– Mix oatmeal, watermelon pulp and grated cucumber and apply.

Summer Hair Care

Summer Skin CareSummer Skin Care

– First of all, take special care of hair cleanliness, otherwise in summers, hair becomes sticky and dirty due to sweat and hair related problems start occurring.
Make sure to use hair serum. This will make your hair look healthy and shiny.

– Avoid using too much conditioner. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo three times a week.

– While going out, try to keep your hair covered, so that the ultraviolet rays of the sun do not damage your hair.

– As far as possible, try not to keep your hair open. Make a top hairstyle or make a ponytail.

– Wash your hair at least 3 times a week so that your hair does not become sticky. If your hair is oily, you can wash it every other day.

– Apply lemon juice on the roots of the hair and keep it for 20 minutes and then wash the hair with cold water. This is the best way to remove dandruff. It also cools the head.

– Applying Amla on the head also enhances the beauty of hair.
Comb your hair frequently, this will remove the dust and dirt accumulated in your hair.

– Excessive use of shampoo dries the hair, so use good quality shampoo.

– Make a pack by mixing lemon juice and an egg in henna and apply it on the head. This not only increases the shine of the hair but also provides coolness.

– Do not wash hair with either hot water or very cold water.

– Make a pony or French knot in your hair, this will keep your hair managed and it will not get damaged due to sweat.

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