Yoga for Beauty: Try these best anti-aging facial yoga and exercises for younger looking face and glowing skin (Yoga For Beauty: Best Anti Aging Facial Yoga Exercises For Younger Looking Face And Skin)

For fine lines around the eyes, make a C shape around the eyes with fingers while keeping the face relaxed. Open the eyes as much as possible. Remain in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat this process 3 times. For a smiley face, toned cheeks and to prevent the skin of the cheeks from getting loose, make an O shape inwards while covering the teeth with the lips. Try to smile as much as possible. Relax. Repeat this process six times. After this, while smiling, keep the index finger on the chin. Move the head back a little and move the jaw up and down. Relax and do this process twice. For swelling, puffiness and fine lines of the eyes, place the middle finger of both the hands in the middle of the eyebrows and press and press the index finger on the outer corners of the eyebrows. Try to look towards the ceiling with the eyes without moving the neck. Relax. Do this process 6 times and finally close the eyes tightly for 10 seconds. Kissing High, For fine lines around lips, neck and jawline uplift, tilt your head back and kiss upwards. Relax. Exhale and kiss the person in front of you. Relax and repeat the same process. Brow Line Style, Forehead Skin, Place the four fingers of both hands on the forehead between the eyebrows and hairline. Massage with slight pressure outwards. Relax and repeat this 10 times. Eyes Beauty, Eyebrow Upliftment and Sunken Eyes, Place the index finger under both the eyes. Cover the teeth with the lips and move both the lips away from each other inwards. Try to look at the ceiling with the eyes without moving the neck. Remain in this position for 30 seconds. Neck Uplift, For neck and jawline skin, place the fingers of both the hands at the lowest part of the neck. Move the head back and with the fingers pull the skin of the neck slightly downwards. Come back to normal position. Repeat this twice. Now pull the lower lip outwards as much as possible. Place the fingers on the collar bone. Move the head backwards. Pull the chin upwards. Take 4 deep breaths and come back to normal. For attractive eyes, fine lines around the eyes, place the index finger on the outer edges of the eyes. Tap around the eyes. Following the shape of the brow line. Do the same under the eyes. Now while massaging, stroke from the inner corners of the eyes outwards. Do this process 4 times. Pinky Sharma

The post Yoga for Beauty: Try these best anti-aging facial yoga and exercises for younger look and glowing skin (Yoga For Beauty: Best Anti Aging Facial Yoga Exercises For Younger Looking Face And Skin) appeared first on India's No.1 Women's Hindi Magazine..

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