Try these 18 beauty juices for glowing and fair skin(18 Healthy Juices For Glowing And Radiant Complexion)

For beautiful skin, along with cleansing, toning, moisturizer, include these juices in your beauty routine, which will not only maintain your beauty but will also protect you from skin problems.

Juices for glowing skin

Beauty Juices

Apple juice: Apple juice contains antioxidants, which give flawless and glowing skin. It also protects the skin from premature aging and wrinkles.

Papaya Juice: Papaya juice will not only give you glowing skin but also makes your skin healthy by removing all the impurities from your skin.

Lemon juice: Lemon juice, rich in vitamin C, is an excellent cleanser for your skin. It balances the pH level of the skin and gives your skin a beautiful glow. For extra effect, use honey instead of sugar.

Carrot Juice: Carrot juice, rich in vitamin A, protects the skin from acne, blemishes, wrinkles and other skin problems and brings a youthful glow to your face.

Orange juice: Drink orange juice daily for a clear and glowing complexion. It also improves skin tone.

Celery Juice: Rich in sodium, celery juice hydrates the skin and maintains its natural glow.
Beetroot Juice: Beetroot contains vitamins A, C and K. It also contains iron and potassium, which remove blemishes.

Make this juice at home

Healthy JuicesHealthy Juices

Brightening Juice
Grind 3 carrots, some spinach leaves, some parsley and half a green apple. Filter and drink.
Benefits: While parsley detoxifies the body and reduces water retention, spinach is essential for glowing skin. Green apple gives skin brightening and toning effect.

Skin Glow Juice
Grind 4 carrots, half an apple and ginger as per taste. Filter and drink.
Benefits: This is an excellent juice for all skin types. It gives glow to the skin.

All Clear Juice
Make juice by mixing pineapple pieces, half cucumber and half apple. Drink it in the morning or evening.
Benefits: The enzymes present in pineapple promote digestion and healthy skin. Cucumber and apple work as skin purifiers and the juice made by mixing the three makes the skin healthy and prevents problems like pimples, blemishes and spots.

Skin refreshing juice
1 cucumber, 3 cups spinach, 1/4 apple, 10-15 mint leaves, 1 cup coconut water. Mix all the ingredients except coconut water and make juice in a juicer. Mix the coconut water and drink it.
Benefits: This is a refreshing energy juice. Its consumption makes the skin beautiful.

for healthy hair
Half a cucumber, 1 lemon, 3 stalks of celery, 1 apple. Mix all these and make juice and consume it regularly.
Benefits: This is a nourishing juice rich in minerals, which makes hair and nails healthy.

Try these beauty juices too

Healthy JuicesHealthy Juices

Tomato Juice: Mix 2 tomatoes, black pepper powder, cumin, salt, ice, 1 cup water, grind everything and strain it.
Bottle gourd juice: Grind 5-6 pieces of bottle gourd, 3-3 leaves of mint and basil, ginger, lemon, salt, black pepper powder, cumin seeds and mix well and filter.
Cucumber Juice: Grind 2 cucumbers, salt, black pepper powder, cumin seeds, ice and strain it.
Amla juice (half cup): Grind 2 amla, ginger, salt to taste, cumin seeds and filter them all.
Carrot juice: Blend 1 large carrot, 1 cup water, salt as per taste in a mixer. Filter it.
Beet Juice: Take half a piece of beet, 2 mint leaves, cumin-salt as per taste, add in 1 cup water and blend in the mixer.
Aloe Vera Juice: Add 1 cup aloe vera juice, basil, ginger, 1 cup water, salt as per taste and blend in a mixer.

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