Try these 10 effective homemade remedies to get rid of pimples and dark spots (10 Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Pimples And Dark Spots)

Due to changing life style, changing weather and changing hormones, if your skin has also become vulnerable to skin problems like acne, freckles, wrinkles, white heads, black heads, then try these easy and effective home remedies to deal with them.

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Pimples And Dark Spots

Acne on the face is a common beauty problem. People with oily skin have to face acne more often. In such a situation, one can get rid of acne by trying some special home remedies.

Baking Soda Treatment
Ingredients: 2 tsp baking soda, as needed – water
Method: Mix a little water in baking soda and make a thick paste. Apply the prepared paste on the face like a facial mask. Wash the face with lukewarm water after 20 minutes.
Beauty effect: Apply this paste on the face regularly. Acne will reduce.

Oatmeal Treatment
Ingredients: 2 tsp oatmeal, as needed – water
Method: Mix oatmeal with water to make a thick paste. Apply it on the face. Then wash the face after 15 minutes.
Beauty Effect: For good results, apply this paste on the face three to four days a week.

Tomato Treatment
Ingredients: 1- Tomato pulp, as required – cucumber juice
Method: Make a thick paste by mixing tomato pulp and cucumber juice. Apply it on the face for 15 minutes. Then wash the face with lukewarm water.
Beauty Effect: Doing this daily will get rid of acne.

Pimples leave marks and spots on the skin as they go away. To get rid of these marks and spots, apply a special homemade paste on them.

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Pimples And Dark SpotsHome Remedies To Get Rid Of Pimples And Dark Spots

Sandalwood Treatment
Ingredients: 1 tsp – sandalwood powder As required – rose water / milk
Method: Mix sandalwood powder with rose water or milk and make a thin paste and apply it on the face. After an hour, wash the face with cold water.
Beauty Effect: By applying sandalwood paste every day, the spots and blemishes gradually fade away.

Almond Treatment
Ingredients: 4-5 almonds as required – rose water
Method: Soak almonds in water overnight. In the morning, remove the peel and grind it with rose water. Apply the prepared paste on the face. Wash it after it dries.
Beauty Effect: By applying this paste on the face regularly, you will get rid of blemishes and spots in a few weeks.

Honey Treatment
Ingredients: 1 tsp honey, 2 tsp oats, a little aloe vera gel.
Method: Make a paste by mixing honey, oats and aloe vera gel. Now apply it on the face. After 30 minutes, wash the face with lukewarm water.
Beauty Effect: By applying this paste on face daily
The color of spots and blemishes gets lighter and the skin starts glowing.

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Pimples And Dark SpotsHome Remedies To Get Rid Of Pimples And Dark Spots

White Heads
The problem of white heads and black heads occurs due to over activity of oil glands. These mostly appear around the nose, chin and lips.

Egg Treatment
Ingredients: 1- egg white, 1 tsp- honey
Method: Put the egg white in a small bowl. Then add honey to it and mix well. Apply the prepared mixture on the affected area. Wash your face with cold water after 30 minutes.
Beauty effect: Apply this paste on the affected area three to four days a week. You will get rid of white heads.

Garlic Treatment
Ingredients: 9-10- garlic cloves.
Method: Grind garlic cloves and extract juice. Apply this juice on the affected area 3 times a day. Wash after 15 minutes.
Beauty Effect: By doing this, white heads will completely disappear.

Lemon Treatment
Ingredients: 2 tsp – lemon juice
Method: Dip cotton in lemon juice and apply it on the affected area. Leave it like this for some time, then wash the face with cold water.
Beauty Effect: Repeat this process 3 times a day for better results.

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