If you are troubled by dark circles, pigmentation and blackheads, then try these home remedies (Home Remedies For Dark Circles, Pigmentation And Blackheads)

If you are troubled by dark circles, blemishes and blackheads, then try these home remedies, which will help you get rid of these beauty problems without harming your skin.

Black Heads

Home Remedies For Dark Circles

White heads later turn into black heads. You can adopt special home remedies to reduce them.

Green Tea Treatment
Ingredients: 1 tsp green tea (tea leaves), a little water.
Method: Make a paste by mixing water in green tea (tea leaves). Apply the prepared paste on the affected area and rub it gently for 2-3 minutes. After some time, wash your face with lukewarm water.
Beauty Effect: Doing this daily will definitely give relief from blackheads.

Green Apple Treatment
Ingredients: Half green apple, little water.
Method: Grind green apple and make a paste. Apply it on the affected area. Wash it after it dries.
Beauty Effect: Doing this daily will get rid of blackheads.

Green Grapes Treatment
Ingredients: Some fresh grapes
Method: Grind fresh grapes to make a paste and apply it on the face. After 15-20 minutes, wash the face with lukewarm water.
Beauty Effect: Doing this regularly reduces black heads.


Home Remedies For Dark CirclesHome Remedies For Dark Circles

Due to freckles, the face looks dull. To get rid of them, apply a special paste on the face.

Tomato-Lemon Treatment
Ingredients: 2 tbsp tomato juice, 1 tsp lemon juice
Method: Mix lemon juice with tomato juice and apply it on the face. Wash the face after it dries.
Beauty Effect: By repeating this process daily, freckles will reduce.

Milk Cream Treatment
Ingredients: 2 tsp cream, a pinch of turmeric.
Method: Mix turmeric in cream and make a thick paste. Now apply it on the affected area. Wash your face after 15 minutes.
Beauty effect: Do this three to four times a week. Freckles will reduce.

Milk-Orange Peel Treatment
Ingredients: 2 tsp raw milk, a little orange peel powder
Method: Mix orange peel powder in raw milk and make a thick paste. Apply the prepared paste on the face. Wash the face after 20 minutes.
Beauty Effect: Repeat this process throughout the week, freckles will reduce.

Dark circles

Home Remedies For Dark CirclesHome Remedies For Dark Circles

The skin around the eyes is very sensitive. There are very few oil glands in it. In such a situation, even the slightest negligence leads to dark circles.

Mint Treatment
Ingredients: 1 tablespoon fresh mint leaves, a little cucumber
Method: Make a paste by grinding mint leaves and cucumber. Apply it on the dark circles. Wash it off when it dries.
Beauty Effect: This will fade the color of dark circles under the eyes.

Almond-Lemon Treatment
Ingredients: 4-5 almonds, 3-4 drops of lemon juice
Method: Soak almonds in water overnight. Grind them in the morning. Now add a few drops of lemon juice to it and apply it on the dark circles.
Beauty Effect: Doing this daily will reduce dark circles.

Tomato-Gram Flour Treatment
Ingredients: Half tomato puree, 2-3 drops of lemon juice, a little gram flour
Method: Mix lemon juice and gram flour in tomato puree and apply it on dark circles. Wash it after it dries.
Beauty Effect: By doing this the dark circles will gradually disappear.

Sun Tan

Home Remedies For Dark CirclesHome Remedies For Dark Circles

Skin gets tanned due to being exposed to the sun for a long time. Here are some special home remedies to get rid of sun tan.

Turmeric Treatment
Ingredients: 2 tsp- turmeric, half tsp- curd.
Method: Make a thin paste by adding curd to turmeric. Apply it on the affected area. Wash your face after 30 minutes.
Beauty Effect: Applying turmeric-curd paste three to four times a week helps in getting rid of sun tan.

Coconut Treatment
Ingredients: 1 tbsp – fresh coconut water.
Method: Apply fresh coconut water on the affected area. Wash your face after some time.
Beauty Effect: Do this three to four times a day to get rid of sun tan.

Lemon Treatment
Ingredients: 1- Lemon
Method: Cut a lemon in half and apply on the affected area
Rub it on.
Beauty effect: Repeat this process for fifteen days continuously. You will get rid of sun tan.

Stretch Marks

Home Remedies For Dark CirclesHome Remedies For Dark Circles

Stretch marks appear on the stomach after delivery and on the thighs, bust area and arms after weight loss. To get rid of them, try the treatment of castor, sugar and potato juice.

Castor Oil Treatment
Ingredients: As required – Castor oil.
Method: Apply castor oil on the affected area and massage gently for 15 to 20 minutes. Then cover it with a cotton cloth. Now heat it with a heat bag for 30 minutes.
Beauty Effect: By doing this continuously for one month, stretch marks will reduce.

Sugar Treatment

Ingredients: 4 tsp- sugar 2 tsp- almond oil 1 tsp- lemon juice
Method: Mix sugar, almond oil and lemon juice well. Apply it on the affected area.
Beauty effect: Repeat this process continuously for a month. Gradually the stretch marks will go away.

Potato Juice Treatment
Ingredients: 1-2- Potatoes.
Method: Peel the potato and cut it into slices. Rub each slice on the affected area for a few minutes. When the potato juice dries up, wash it off with lukewarm water.
Beauty Effect: Repeat this process for a month to get rid of stretch marks.

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