Smart Tips for Hair Beauty

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I don't know since when I had the desire to settle in your hair… I don't know since when I had the wish to merge in your hair… Now the sunshine of life doesn't set right, now I don't see any destination… Now the evenings will be spent in the silky shade of your locks, now the morning of my desires will be in these dark clouds… When these will spread freely, the valleys will smell good, when these will settle down and gather, then many nights will also get captured in them…
You must also desire beautiful hair, so that your loved ones also wish to be captured in your hair. So what are you waiting for, know these easy tips and make your hair healthy and beautiful.

– Avoid using strong and harsh chemicals. These weaken the hair and cause it to break and fall. – Let the hair dry naturally. Reduce the use of hair dryer. This also weakens the hair. – When going out, tie a scarf or carry an umbrella to protect your hair from the sun. – Do regular oil massage. Scalp massage increases blood circulation and makes hair healthy. – Select shampoo according to your hair type. – Washing hair daily can reduce natural oil and make hair dry, it would be better to wash hair 3 or 4 times a week.
– Wash your hair on alternate days in summers and 2-3 days a week in winters. – Shampooing is not enough, use a conditioner as well. – Hair styling should not be such that it breaks or weakens it. – A healthy diet is also very important for healthy hair. Take a protein-rich diet. – Get your hair trimmed regularly to avoid the problem of split ends. – Moisturizing your hair is also important. For this, use five oils – olive oil, almond oil, castor oil, coconut oil and lavender oil. Mix all of them in equal amounts. Massage before washing your hair and keep it on for 4-5 hours. Do this twice a week. – If you have dandruff or any other hair-related problem, consult an expert.

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