Nail Care | Skin Care, Beauty

Attractive and strong nails not only enhance the beauty of hands but also enhance personality. How can you make your nails healthy? Let us tell you.

Massage with cuticle oil
To strengthen your nails, massage them with cuticle oil containing vitamin E. For this, regularly once a day, soak a cotton ball in cuticle oil and apply it on your nails and massage gently.
Use free acetone nail remover
Use free acetone nail remover to remove nail polish. Using acetone-containing nail remover makes nails dry and hard and their shine also fades. Free acetone nail remover not only removes nail paint but also maintains the shine of nails.
use good quality file
Do not use a file made of metal or very hard material to shape your nails. This makes the nails dry and sometimes they break while shaping them. Use a soft file to protect them. Do not buy cheap files even by mistake.
Vitamin B5 is also important
Lack of vitamin B5 also makes nails dull, dry and hard. In such a situation, consuming things containing vitamin B5 helps in good growth of nails and makes them strong from inside. Vitamin B5 also gives a natural shine to the nails.
Don’t forget to apply moisturizer
Not only after removing nail polish, but also before sleeping every night, apply moisturizer around the fingers and massage gently. This makes the skin around the nails soft and also improves the growth of nails. Nails also shine with the use of moisturizer.

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