How to take care of your hair according to your hair type (Simple Hair Care Tips For Different Hair Types)

Not everyone's hair is the same. Oily, dry and normal hair have different needs. For proper hair care, you must first know your hair type, only then you can follow the right hair care routine for yourself.

Hair Care Tips

How to take care of oily hair

It is a bit difficult to manage oily hair. Also, due to its sticky nature, any hairstyle cannot be set easily with such hair. If your hair is also oily, then keep the following things in mind to manage it.

  • Use mild or baby shampoo to wash your hair.
  • It is important to wash such hair daily, but keep in mind that shampoo should not be used too much on the scalp.
  • Always wash your hair with cold or lukewarm water. Using hot water releases more oil from the scalp, which makes the hair sticky.
  • Massage the scalp with warm oil and then wash the hair with shampoo.
  • If your hair is very oily, do not use conditioner.
  • Oily hair is shiny. So do not use hair gloss gel and shine hair care products.
  • If the hair is very oily, then wash the hair by mixing 1 part vinegar with 4 parts water, but do not use vinegar directly on the scalp.
  • Avoid brushing your hair frequently as this removes excess oil from the scalp.
  • Washing hair by mixing lemon in water also removes extra oil from the hair.
  • A healthy diet and drinking enough water can help get rid of the problem of oily hair.
  • Do not blow dry your hair, and if you must, use the dryer on low temperature and from a distance of 5-6 inches.
Hair Care TipsHair Care Tips

How to take care of dry hair

Excessive sun and sweating makes hair dry. Apart from this, hair colouring, curling, straightening or any chemical treatment damages the natural oil of the hair, which makes the hair dry. Follow these tips to make dry hair healthy and shiny.

  • Wet hair breaks easily, hence be careful while combing wet hair.
  • Use a thick-toothed comb instead of a thin-toothed comb, as this will help detangle your hair easily and it will not break.
  • Use a soft bristled brush to brush your hair.
  • If your hair is dry, avoid shampooing daily because it damages the natural oil of the scalp and makes the hair more dry.
  • Use a shampoo with more protein.
  • Mild and acidic shampoos are best for dry and lifeless hair.
  • Use a conditioner every time after shampooing. This will make your hair soft and shiny.
  • Use a heat activated moisture rising conditioner or get an oil treatment once a week.
  • Avoid using hair dryer and hot iron. Dryer, curling, straightening and iron make the hair dry and lifeless. If using a dryer is necessary, use it at minimum temperature.
  • Stay away from hairspray, hair gel and other chemical-based styling creams. These make the hair dry.
  • After washing hair, apply coconut oil on the roots.
  • Apply a little sunflower oil to your hair for moisture.
  • Massage the hair with warm olive oil and cover it with plastic for half an hour. Then wash the hair with shampoo.

Also read: 7 Homemade Hair Oil and Hair Spray are very important for healthy hair (7 Homemade Hair Oil and Hair Spray for Long and Strong Hair)

Hair Care TipsHair Care Tips

How to take care of normal hair

Normal hair does not require extra care. It is easily managed and any style can be applied on such hair. Keep the following things in mind for the care of normal hair.

  • Wash your hair with mild shampoo twice a week and also apply conditioner. Apply conditioner and do circular massage on the scalp.
  • Keep trimming your hair a little every month.
  • Always use cold or lukewarm water to wash your hair.
  • Apply hair mask once a month.
  • A healthy diet is also necessary for hair health.

Also read: Get rid of white hair: Try these 10 home remedies (10 Easy Ways To Get Rid Of White Hair Naturally At Home)

Hair Care TipsHair Care Tips

8 Home Remedies for Beautiful Hair

1) To give proper nutrition to the hair, massage with lukewarm oil twice a week. Oil massage improves blood circulation and also provides proper nutrition.
2) Massage your hair with lukewarm coconut oil 2-3 hours before washing your hair. Then wrap your hair with a towel dipped in hot water and squeezed. Wash it after one and a half hours.
3) Mix 1 teaspoon glycerin, egg white and 2 teaspoons castor oil and apply on the hair roots. Wash hair after one and a half hours.
4) Use curd, beer and eggs for deep conditioning of hair.
5) To make hair healthy, cook food in sunflower oil. Sunflower oil contains essential fatty acids, which provide moisture to the hair.
6) Apply castor oil for good hair growth. Castor oil works as a hair tonic.
7) Massaging the hair roots with sunflower oil removes dryness of hair.
8) To bring shine to the hair, make a paste by mixing 2 teaspoons of henna powder with 1 teaspoon of curd, 1 teaspoon of fenugreek powder, 1 tablespoon of coffee, 2 tablespoons of mint juice, 2 tablespoons of basil juice and apply it on the hair for 2 hours. Then wash the hair. If you want a dark colour then keep it for 3-4 hours.

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