How much of these beauty products should you apply?

We all use beauty products… but do we apply them in the right quantity? Let's know how much of which product should be applied?
Eye cream/eye gel
Divide a pea-sized amount of eye cream into two parts and massage the lower part of the eye with one part and the upper part of the eye with the other part. Use the same amount of cream for the other eye as well.
Take 2-3 pea-sized amounts of moisturizer and rub it on your palms so that it becomes slightly warm. Then apply it on your face in a light circular motion.
Apply sunscreen equal to one walnut on every exposed part of the body, only then the sunscreen will be effective i.e. take an amount equal to one walnut for the face, the same amount for one hand and the same amount for the other hand.
Take 2-3 pea-sized amount of foundation and mix it with moisturizer and apply it evenly on the face. Again take 2-3 pea-sized amount of foundation and moisturizer and mix them in your palms and apply it evenly on your neck, neck and back.
Facial Exfoliator
One should use an almond-sized amount of exfoliator to apply on the entire face except the area around the eyes.
lotion pour le corps
Apply body lotion equal to a walnut on every part of the body like hands, legs etc. before sleeping at night.
Anti Aging Cream
Anti-aging cream equal to one almond is sufficient for the face. If you apply this cream on the neck and throat also, then take the same amount more.

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