Anti Aging Makeup Tips | Makeup, Beauty

Makeup not only enhances the beauty of the face but also gives a young look, but for this you should know the right technique of makeup. How to do makeup for a young look? Come, let us tell you.
Forget about choosing a foundation according to your skin tone. With age, the skin colour starts fading. In such a situation, choosing a foundation according to the skin tone makes the skin look dull, so choose a foundation of a darker shade than your skin tone. This will make you look beautiful and young. Yes, if you are hesitant to apply a dark shade, then you can also apply it by mixing it with your previous light foundation.
Smart Tip
Before applying foundation on the face, mix both the shades of foundation and apply it by turning the hand upside down. Try it on the face only after seeing the result.
Concealer is used to hide blemishes on the face and dark circles under the eyes. While applying concealer, keep in mind that instead of applying it on the entire face, apply concealer only on the areas with blemishes and dark circles.
Smart Tip
Don't make the mistake of applying concealer on fine lines and the entire face. This will make you look older than your age.

Mascara gives a young look to the eyes. Generally, it is of three types – natural, lengthening and volumizing. Although black/brown mascara is used more, but if you are fair, then navy color will be a better option for you. Curl the eyelashes while applying mascara. This will make you look young as well as make the eyes attractive.
Smart Tip
If you want to look young in a party, apply mascara only on the upper lashes of the eyes. Leave the lower lashes as is.

To maintain the innocence of the face and to look young, applying blusher on the cheekbones is the best idea, but avoid using a dark shade for this. Not using the right shade can make you look older.
Smart Tip
By choosing the right shade of blusher, you can look ten years younger than your age. For a young look, try fresh and soft shades like pink, peach, coral.
To make your lips attractive, apply lipstick with a lip brush. First apply a little lipstick in the middle of the lower lip, then apply it on both lips with the brush. If you want, you can also use a lip pencil.
Smart Tip
Instead of following the latest trend, use the colour that suits your lips. For a young look, you can try mauve shades along with all shades of pink.
Eye Shadow
Using too much eye shadow to enhance the beauty of your eyes can spoil your beauty. Use light eye shadow for a young and attractive look.
Smart Tip
To avoid looking older, avoid applying bright and shiny eye shadows.
eyebrow pencil
For beautiful eyebrows, use eyebrow pencil with light hands. If there is a gap between the eyebrows, then use eyebrow powder of a lighter shade than the eyebrows and set it with an eyebrow brush and apply a little Vaseline on top. This will make the eyebrows look beautiful.
Smart Tip
Too dark a shade can ruin the look of your eyes. Similarly, very thin eyebrows can also make you look older than your age.
Eye Liner
Eyeliner is the best option to enhance the beauty of eyes. Perfect eyeliner with light makeup gives a young and attractive look. While applying liner, look downwards with chin up. This will keep your eyes half closed and you will be able to apply liner easily.
Smart Tip
Liquid eye liner is the best option. While applying the liner, do not apply it till the corner of the eyes. This makes you look older.

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