30+ Best Beauty Tips for Dry and Oily Skin, Identify your skin and take care of it accordingly! (30+ Best Beauty & Skin Care Tips For Dry And Oily Skin)

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For healthy, youthful skin, not only external care is necessary, but internal care is also necessary. What you eat will be reflected on your skin. That is why it is very important to eat healthy for healthy skin. The first step is to identify your skin and select your skin care routine and diet according to its needs. Restore and repair the skin from within, so that you get glowing healthy skin

Dry Skin: If you are troubled by dry skin, try these tips…

  • If dry skin is not taken care of, it will become even drier.
  • Actually, due to lack of moisture, the weather affects dry skin quickly. The skin always remains stretched and the lips also remain dry.
  • To remove dryness of the skin, it is not only necessary to moisturize it from outside but it is also important to take care of it from inside, for which you will have to select the right diet.
  • I also changed my beauty routine. Use a fragrance-free and chemical-free cleanser.
  • Coconut oil is an excellent moisturizer, massage with it.
  • Use avocado and aloe vera mask.
  • Do not use anti-aging products excessively.
  • Oatmeal creams work really well for dry skin.
  • Also avoid bathing with very hot water.
  • Keep moisturising your skin regularly.
Best Beauty & Skin Care TipsBest Beauty & Skin Care Tips

Now comes the matter of internal care

  • The most important thing is water, yes, drinking plenty of water will keep you hydrated, which will have a direct impact on your skin.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables that have high water content, such as cucumber, watermelon, celery, lettuce, tomatoes, etc. Regular consumption of these will also provide you with essential minerals and vitamins and you will remain hydrated from within.
  • Start your morning with lukewarm water with the juice of half a lemon. This will remove toxins from the body and make your skin healthy.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids provide moisture. For this you can take oily fish, avocados, flaxseeds, coconut oil and nuts, that is, you have to take good fats in plenty.
  • Eat skin-repairing foods. A diet rich in zinc helps heal the skin and repair tissues, such as oysters, pumpkin seeds, seafood, beans and lentils. These are excellent skin foods for cracked and flaky skin.
  • Alcohol, caffeine and sugar, because they dehydrate the skin, making it even drier.

Oily Skin: If your skin is very oily then try these tips…

  • People with oily skin also have more problems with acne. Due to excessive secretion of sebum, oil and shine appears on the skin, especially on the T-zone. Due to this, problems of pimples and black-white heads also start occurring.
  • You should wash your face two to three times a day.
  • Always keep blotting paper with you, tap it whenever extra oil comes out.
  • Try lemon, egg and honey face packs regularly.
  • Apply a pack of Multani mitti and sandalwood mixed with rose water.
  • Clay masks are excellent.
  • Before bathing, cut a lemon in half and rub it on your face.
    Use toners and astringents based on alcohol.
  • Oily skin doesn't mean you don't need to moisturize.
    Make a mask using cucumber, tomato and gram flour or rub tomato or cucumber directly.
  • Mix gram flour with water or rose water and apply it.
  • Rub it with a piece of ice, this will reduce the problem of pimples and also refresh the skin.
Best Beauty & Skin Care TipsBest Beauty & Skin Care Tips

Now let's talk about internal care …

  • Take a diet rich in vitamin B6 as it controls sebum i.e. it reduces the production of sebum, thereby reducing the stickiness of the skin.
  • The main sources of Vitamin B6 are – whole grains, asparagus, nuts and garlic, tuna, salmon fish, spinach, capsicum, broccoli.
  • Lecithin also breaks down fat cells and controls the accumulation of oil in the pores and excess oil formation. Major sources of lecithin are cauliflower, soybeans, eggs, seeds, and legumes.
  • Avoid these things in your diet- red meat, caffeine, soft drinks, alcohol and spicy foods.
  • It would be better if you reduce fried and fast foods because most fast foods use hydrogenated vegetable oil, which clogs the pores and increases free radicals.
  • Also avoid monosodium glutamate and its replacements, colours, flavours and preservatives.
  • Apart from this, avoid processed foods as they contain high amounts of preservatives and sugar. These can create problems in the skin and promote pimples and rashes.

Guddu Sharma

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