You may not know about these beauty benefits of Desi Ghee… (Amazing Beauty Benefits Of Desi Ghee For Skin and Hair)

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Desi ghee is not only beneficial for health but it also has many beauty benefits which you may not know about… Similarly, cream also has many properties and it is beneficial for health as well as beauty…

Beauty benefits of ghee…

  • Moisturizes the skin. If your skin is dry and lifeless then massage with Desi Ghee. Your skin will also glow.
  • Ghee is full of anti-aging properties. Massage your face with ghee, it is very effective in reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin E in ghee gives a young and glowing effect to the skin.
  • If you are troubled by chapped lips, then apply lukewarm Desi Ghee on your lips. Apart from this, apply ghee in your navel as well. This will keep your lips soft.
  • Ghee is effective in removing dark spots on the skin and dark circles around the eyes. Massage with ghee and massage around the eyes will not only remove dark circles but will also relieve eye fatigue.
  • Gives natural glow to dull skin. Ghee contains omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins A, D, B12, K and E which nourish the skin.
  • Ghee increases the elasticity of the skin and makes it flexible, which keeps the skin young.
  • This is also a natural scrub. Mix equal amounts of sugar with ghee and exfoliate. Scrub the skin while massaging so that the ghee can penetrate deep into the skin. After this, wipe it with tissue paper or a dry cloth.
  • Not only applying ghee but also including it in the diet provides nourishment to the skin and hair. Not only the skin but the hair also becomes healthy and shiny.
  • Massage the scalp with lukewarm Desi Ghee, it makes the hair soft, the Vitamin E and A present in it is very beneficial for the health and growth of hair.
  • Mix one tablespoon coconut oil or olive oil in two tablespoons desi ghee. Make it lukewarm so that the ghee and oil mix well. Apply it on the hair while massaging it. Shampoo after half an hour. It deep conditions the hair.
  • Include ghee in your diet. It nourishes from within, moisturizes, the vitamin K present in it increases the production of collagen which maintains the young look of the skin and vitamin A acts as a natural moisturizer for the skin.
  • Ghee increases immunity and maintains the health of skin and hair.
  • Ghee face pack makes the skin light and bright and gives even skin tone. Mix some turmeric powder with desi ghee and apply it on the face. Wash it after drying.
  • Prepare a paste by mixing Desi Ghee with gram flour and raw milk. Apply this pack for twenty minutes and then wash it off.
  • Mix one tablespoon of honey in one tablespoon of Desi Ghee and add a little raw milk to it. Apply this mask and wash it after drying. This is an excellent moisturizer for dry skin.
  • Mix ghee and water in equal quantities and massage your face. Wash after fifteen minutes. Your skin will become soft.

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