The rough skin of elbows and knees will now become soft and smooth, the blackness will go away in a jiffy… Try easy home remedies (Skin Care: Easy Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dark Elbows And Knees)

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When it comes to skin care, our entire focus is on the face. Glowing face is not skin care. Have you ever thought that when people look at your dark and rough elbows and knees along with your glowing face, you become a laughing stock. Therefore, along with your face and body skin, take care of the skin of your knees and elbows as well and this is not that difficult. We will tell you some easy home tips that will make your elbows and knees beautiful…

  • Just like it is necessary to exfoliate the face regularly, similarly scrub your knees and elbows too because that part becomes rough and black due to being ignored, due to which the dead skin layer is more there. This will be removed by scrubbing. You can use sugar scrub. Mix olive oil in sugar and apply it on the affected areas while massaging. Wash after scrubbing for some time.
  • Baking soda is also a natural scrub and it also brightens the complexion of the skin. Mix a little water in baking soda and scrub. Wash after some time.
  • Massage with aloe vera pulp. It has many properties and healing properties. It also makes the skin soft and smooth. Massage the knees and elbows with aloe vera pulp and wash after 15-20 minutes.
  • Coconut oil is rich in vitamin E. Massaging with it makes the skin soft and also removes blackness. Massage regularly before sleeping at night. This will also moisturize the skin as it is a natural moisturizer.
  • Lemon has skin brightening properties. Rich in vitamin C and bleaching properties, lemon brightens the complexion of the skin and also helps in removing dead skin. You can apply lemon juice or if you want, cut the lemon and rub it on your elbows and knees before or while bathing.
  • Rubbing cucumber slices on knees and elbows removes blackness.
  • Curd, which is rich in lactic acid, is also very beneficial. It makes the skin soft and smooth because it has moisturizing properties, apart from this it also brightens the skin.
  • Massaging with milk also makes the skin soft and bright.
  • If you want, prepare a paste by mixing turmeric powder in milk and apply it. This improves the complexion.
  • Mix cream with turmeric powder and apply it on the affected areas.
  • Gram flour is also very beneficial. It makes the skin bright by giving it an even tone. Make a paste by mixing milk in gram flour and apply it. If you want, you can also add turmeric powder to it.
  • Almond oil also nourishes the skin and improves it. Massage with lukewarm almond oil.
  • Potato is a natural bleach. Cut potato slices and rub them on elbows and knees and wash after five minutes or if you want you can also apply potato juice.

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