Smart Tricks for Tanning (Remove Tan Naturally)

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There are many skin problems due to excessive sunlight or strong sunlight. But it happens more during rainy days. These days when the sun comes out, the problem of skin tanning increases, especially on the face. Dermatologist Dr. Ajay Rana gave some special tips regarding this.

  • Lemon juice has a bleaching effect, which removes tanning easily.
  • For this, take fresh lemon juice, add some honey to it and apply it on the skin. Leave it on for 30 minutes, then wash it off.
  • You can also add some sugar to lemon juice and use it as a scrub.
  • Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants, which make the skin glowing and shiny. Yogurt contains lactic acid, which helps in softening the skin. Use both of these for tanning.
  • For this, take a raw tomato. Remove its peel. Mix it well with one to two tablespoons of curd and make a paste. Apply this paste on the skin and leave it for twenty minutes. Then wash it with water.
  • Cucumber is considered the best to remove tanning and protect the skin from sunburn, because cucumber has a cooling effect, which helps in reducing skin tanning.
  • For this, grate the cucumber and extract its water thoroughly. After that, apply cucumber juice properly on the skin with the help of cotton and leave it to dry. You can also add a little lemon juice to the cucumber juice.
  • Turmeric and gram flour are considered the best sources for skin brightening.
  • For this, mix a little gram flour in a tablespoon of turmeric powder. Add some milk and water to it and make a paste. Use this paste on the skin and body. When it dries, wash it with lukewarm water. By using it like this regularly, skin tanning can be reduced and removed.
  • Potatoes are used to cure dark circles and eye bags. Potatoes have natural healing properties, potato juice is considered as a bleaching agent.
  • For this, apply raw potato juice on the skin, which removes tanning. Apply it on the skin and leave it for 10-12 minutes. When it dries, wash it off.

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