Give a healthy shine to your hair… (Summer Hair Care Tips For Healthy And Shiny Hair)

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Just like there is a need to change the skin care routine in summer, it is necessary to make some changes in the hair care routine as well, so that your hair retains its healthy shine even in this hot weather.

  • Wash your hair regularly. Use mild shampoo. Therefore, take special care of hair cleanliness, otherwise in summers, hair becomes sticky and dirty due to sweat and hair related problems start occurring.
  • To avoid the strong sunlight, cover your hair with an umbrella or scarf when going out, so that your hair can be protected from ultraviolet rays.
  • Avoid blow drying or ironing your hair. In summers, these can damage your hair even more, causing your hair to become dry and weak.
  • Do not use alcohol based products on your hair in summer as they make the hair even drier.
  • Do not wash hair with either hot water or very cold water.
  • Make sure to use conditioner.
  • If it is summer, it does not mean that you should not apply oil. You should do oil massage before hair wash so that moisture remains in the hair.
  • Avoid using too many styling products or chemicals.
  • Make sure to use hair serum. This will make your hair look healthy and shiny.
  • Try not to keep your hair open. Make a top hairstyle or a ponytail. Keep the hairstyles loose and easy, so that the hair does not sweat too much and does not break.

Try these easy tricks-

  • Mix equal quantity of Amla oil with coconut oil and add some lemon juice and milk and massage.
  • Aloe vera has antifungal and antibacterial properties. Apply aloe vera gel on the scalp. Shampoo after 15 minutes.
  • Mix olive oil with lemon juice and massage. This gives a healthy shine to dry hair.
  • Massage the scalp with curd and rinse after 15 minutes.
  • Curd or buttermilk also stops hair fall and removes the problem of dandruff.
  • Massaging with coconut milk nourishes the hair. The hair becomes soft and smooth.
  • Applying honey mixed with egg yolk helps in deep conditioning of hair.
  • Olive oil treats dandruff. Every day before going to bed, lightly warm the olive oil and massage the scalp with it. Shampoo in the morning.
  • Rinse your hair with beer to add shine and bounce.
  • Take 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and apply it on the ends of wet hair. Leave it overnight and shampoo the next day.
  • Vinegar has the ability to eliminate fungus and bacteria from the scalp. Massage the scalp with vinegar and wash the hair. If you want, you can also do a final rinse with it.
  • Egg works to repair hair. If the hair is oily, then take the white part of the egg, for dry hair use the yellow part and for normal hair beat the whole egg and apply it. Wash it with lukewarm water.
  • Mix equal quantities of onion and lemon juice and massage for some time before shampooing.
  • The salicylic acid present in aspirin helps remove impurities from the hair and restores shine. Crush an aspirin tablet and mix it with some shampoo and then shampoo.
  • Make a mixture of aloe vera juice, water and avocado oil. Use it whenever your hair feels dry.
  • Rub lemon on the scalp and wash it after 15-20 minutes.
  • Soak amla powder overnight and rinse your hair with it.
  • Neem leaves paste strengthens hair and reduces hair loss. For better results, mix honey and olive oil in neem leaves paste.
  • Coconut oil nourishes the inner layer of the hair. Apply 1 tablespoon of coconut oil to the ends of wet hair. If the hair is very dry, leave the oil overnight and shampoo in the morning.
  • To restore damaged hair, mash a ripe banana. Add 1 tablespoon of honey to it.
  • Make a paste of neem leaves and wash your hair with it. It stops hair fall and also protects from infections.

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