Apply these 10 homemade face packs for instant glow (10 Best Homemade Face Packs For Instant Glow And Fairness)

Instead of buying expensive creams from the market to get fair skin, try these miraculous home remedies. By using them, your skin color will soon become fair. The specialty of these home remedies is that they have no side effects. Now you too can get fair skin sitting at home.

Homemade Face Packs

1) Rub lemon on your face. This will not only make your face glow, but the bleaching agent in lemon will also make your skin fair.

2) Applying potato juice on the face also helps in making the skin fair. You must try this home remedy.

3) Mash the banana and apply it on the face. Wash the face after 10-15 minutes. Doing this improves the complexion of the face.

Homemade Face PacksHomemade Face Packs

4) Apply papaya pulp on the face. It not only gives fairness but also repairs the skin by getting rid of dead skin.

5) Mix lemon and cucumber juice in equal amounts and apply. This is the best home remedy for people with oily skin. This balances the excess oil on their face and makes the face look fair.

6) Applying egg white on the face also improves the complexion of the skin. You can also try this home remedy.

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Homemade Face PacksHomemade Face Packs

7) Dry and grind orange peels. Mix milk in it and apply it on the face. Regular use of this makes the skin fair.

8) Applying curd regularly also helps in making your skin fairer.

Homemade Face PacksHomemade Face Packs

9) Applying almond oil and olive oil also makes the skin fair.

10) Take equal amounts of honey and lemon juice and apply on the face. Wash the face after 10 minutes. By doing this regularly, the skin starts becoming fair.

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