5 easy home remedies prevent hair from turning grey (5 Best Home Remedies To Reduce White Hair Naturally)

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Unhealthy eating habits, use of chemical hair products and improper cleaning are the reasons behind premature graying of hair. To get rid of this problem, try these 5 easy home remedies.
* Grind fresh Indian gooseberries to make a paste and apply it on hair or mix dry Indian gooseberry powder in water and massage your scalp with it. This keeps hair black for a longer period. * Boil tea leaves in water and filter it. Massage your hair roots with this water. Wash it after 1 hour. This creates a color coat on the hair and they do not look white. * Massage your hair roots with coconut oil (with lemon), almond oil or mustard oil. This slows down the rate of graying of hair. * Boil curry leaves in coconut oil. Apply it on hair. * Include fish, banana, carrot etc. in your diet. These provide iron and iodine to the body.
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Home remedies for beautiful hair
* Massage with lukewarm oil twice a week to give proper nutrition to the hair. Oil massage improves blood circulation, as well as provides proper nutrition. * Massage with lukewarm coconut oil 2-3 hours before washing hair. Then wrap the hair with a towel dipped in hot water and squeezed. Wash after one and a half hours. * Mix 1 teaspoon glycerin, one egg white and 2 teaspoons castor oil and apply on the roots of the hair. Wash hair after one and a half hours. * Use curd, beer and egg for deep conditioning of hair. * Cook food in sunflower oil to make hair healthy. Sunflower oil contains essential fatty acids, which provide moisture to the hair. * Apply castor oil (erandi ka tel) for good hair growth. Castor oil works as a hair tonic. * Massaging the hair roots with sunflower oil removes dryness of hair. * To bring shine to your hair, make a paste by mixing 2 teaspoons of henna powder with 1 teaspoon of curd, 1 teaspoon of fenugreek powder, 1 tablespoon of coffee, 2 tablespoons of mint juice, 2 tablespoons of basil juice and apply it on your hair for 2 hours. Then wash your hair. If you want a dark colour then keep it for 3-4 hours.
Also read: Learn home recipes to make hair colour at home (10 Homemade Hair Colour: How To Colour Your Hair At Home)

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